Explore PV installations by postcode and system size, with per-month installation figures since 2007.
Explore how the solar market has evolved since 2007, with monthly installations charted by system size category. Select from the postcodes on the right to switch data sets: select the system size categories to toggle their visibility.
Per-month installations by postcode since January 2007: aggregate and compare postcodes singly or in groups. Scroll and select from the postcodes on the right to add them to the data set, or select wildcards to view data from all postcodes beginning with the selected two digits. To select multiple postcodes, hold "shift" and click on a range of postcodes.
Explore per-postcode domestic and commercial PV across different installation sizes. Scroll and select from the postcodes on the right to add them to the data set. Select the system size categories to toggle their visibility. To select multiple postcodes, hold "shift" and click on a range of postcodes.